▷13 Combine Engraving and Cutting

Laser cutter software RDworks v8 tutorial 13 Combine Engraving and Cutting Hi everyone, this is ken from Thunderlaser. If we would like to engrave some letters and then cut them out, how should we set the parameters? First, select the letters then move to the bottom of the window to change the layer color of […]
What laser cutter can create: laser cutting 3D – a mobile phone holder

Do you know that your Thunder laser cutter can cut 3D object? Just draw your design in CorelDraw directly and then switch to your thunder laser software. Then set the special settings for each layer. Some layers need to set to cut mode while the others need to use engrave mode. And you need to […]
What laser cutter can create: laser cutting MDF – a rose coaster

It’s my wife’s birthday today. How about buying a rose for her? No, it would be too dull and that’s not my style. Why not using our laser cutter to cut a rose coaster, a real special surprise!
What laser cutter can create: laser cutting 3D – Eiffel Tower

Architecture model is always one of boys’s favorites. It is especially cool to make the toys by using our own laser cutting machine. In fact, i’ve made several for my friends and they are quick happy to get such a specially gift. And what’s even cooler? I cut a 1.7meter height Eiffel Tower by using […]
What laser cutter can create: laser cutting MDF – wheel gear cutting

Ever think about using your laser cutter to make some mechanical parts? How about some gears? This time, we cut some different shapes of gears out from MDF. Looks not bad, right? next time, we will try to combine them to make some simple tools.
What laser cutter can create: laser cutting MDF – rocking chair

Hi this is ken from Thunderlaser, today we will use our Mars 130 laser cutter to cut a rocking chair. And please remember that when cutting MDF, it’s strongly suggested to use very strong air assist to reduce the burning. You can choose a high pressure air compressor to help you.
What laser cutter can create: laser cutting wood – dinosaur model cutting

Dinosaurs went extinct for thousand years, they are mysterious for us. We can only watch some fossils now. It’s a pity there’s no dinosaur fossil museum in our town, therefore, i never see a dinosaur fossil by now. However, with the help of our laser cutter, my dream has come true now. It would be […]
What laser cutter can create: laser wood cutting – a rocking horse

Phoebe was going to buy a new toy, a rocking horse, for our son Gangda today. I told her that it would be more meaningful to cut a custom-made one for him instead of buying a dull toy which is totally the same as other kids. Therefore, we decided to use our Thunderlaser Mars 130 […]
What laser cutter can create: laser cutting paper – Chinese Paper Cut

Chinese Paper Cut Art is a critical cultural piece in China. In the ancient time, it’s used in many kinds of celebrations including the Spring Festival, wedding, and moving to a new house. The paper art is usually glued on the door or window to symbolize good luck and happiness. Everyone can cut a simple […]
What laser cutter can create: laser cutting plywood – a sword

Today we are going to use our large format laser cutter – the Titan 250 to make a sample. With a working area of 2500mm x 1300mm, our Titian laser cutter is very good for cutting big sheets like acrylic sheet and wood sheet. It is very good for cutting large signs.