Exhaust system
Exhaust system Ensure the work pieces and laser cutter machine inside be clean.
Emergency stop
Emergency stop Turn off the machine immediately when there is an accident.
Emergency stop
Emergency stop Turn off the machine immediately when there is an accident.
Connection ways
Connection ways High-speed Ethernet line or the USB cable line.
Auto focus
Auto focus Help the user to set focus Easier. (based on motorized table)
Aluminum blade cutting table
Aluminum blade cutting table Reduce the influence of the reflection of laser.
Red dot pointer
Red dot pointer Make the laser beam “visible”.
Air assist
Air assist Blowing air to prevent the material being burned
Alarm Lamp
Alarm Lamp Show the work state and tell when the job is done, more safe for you.
Laser software
Laser software RDWorksV8 laser software.lt is a pro fessional laser software with multiple function.